Source code for coord_utils

"""This module contains utility functions for dealing with sky coordinates,
sky distances, and healpix grids.


import math
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy import units as u
from matplotlib import path

[docs]TWO_PI = 2*np.pi
[docs]def uniform_around(centre, area, size): '''Uniform distribution of points around location. Draws randomly distributed points from a circular region of the given area around the centre point. Parameters ---------- centre : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Centre of the sampling region. area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Area of the sampling region as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` in units of solid angle. size : int Number of points to draw. Returns ------- coords : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Randomly distributed points around the centre. The coordinates are returned in the same frame as the input. Examples -------- See :ref:`User Documentation <skypy.position.uniform_around>`. Modified from the skypy implementation: ''' # get cosine of maximum separation from area cos_theta_max = 1 - area.to_value( # randomly sample points within separation theta = np.arccos(np.random.uniform(cos_theta_max, 1, size=size)) phi = np.random.uniform(0, TWO_PI, size=size) # construct random sky coordinates around centre return centre.directional_offset_by(phi, theta)
[docs]def upgrade_healpix(pix_id, nested, nside_in, nside_out): """Upgrade (superresolve) a healpix into finer ones Parameters ---------- pix_id : int coarse healpix ID to upgrade nested : bool whether `pix_id` is given in NESTED scheme nside_in : int NSIDE of `pix_id` nside_out : int desired NSIDE of finer healpix Returns ------- np.array the upgraded healpix IDs in the NESTED scheme """ if not nested: pix_id = hp.ring2nest(nside_in, pix_id) order_diff = np.log2(nside_out) - np.log2(nside_in) factor = 4**order_diff upgraded_ids = pix_id*factor + np.arange(factor) return upgraded_ids.astype(int)
[docs]def get_distance(ra_i, dec_i, ra_f, dec_f): """Compute the distance between two angular positions given in degrees """ ra_diff = (ra_f - ra_i)*np.cos(np.deg2rad(dec_f)) dec_diff = (dec_f - dec_i) return np.linalg.norm(np.vstack([ra_diff, dec_diff]), axis=0), ra_diff, dec_diff
[docs]def get_healpix_centers(pix_id, nside, nest): """Get the ra, dec corresponding to centers of the healpixels with given IDs Parameters ---------- pix_id : int or array-like IDs of healpixels to evaluate centers. Must be in NESTED scheme nside_in : int NSIDE of `pix_id` """ theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, pix_id, nest=nest) ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), -np.degrees(theta-0.5*np.pi) return ra, dec
[docs]def get_padded_nside(padding, nside_in): """Get the maximum nside (finest healpix grid) whose centers along the boundary of the input nside are located sufficiently far away from the boundaries Parameters ---------- padding : float Padding in arcmin nside_in : int NSIDE of the healpix to upgrade """ size = hp.nside2resol(nside_in, arcmin=True) # size of each subpix > padding so # big hp size in arcmin / how many to divide into > padding # size of big hp / 2^(order diff) > padding # since each order increase divides each side by half order_diff = (np.log(size) - np.log(padding))/np.log(2) order_diff = int(order_diff) return nside_in*2**order_diff
[docs]def get_corners(n_pix, counterclockwise=False): """Get the indices of corners of a set of finer healpixes making up a big healpix, e.g. the output of `upgrade_healpix` Parameters ---------- n_pix : int Number of finer healpixes clockwise: bool Ordering of the corners are counterclockwise. If False, ordering follows healpix ordering. Default: False Returns ------- list Indices of four corners that can be used to slice a list of RA, Dec """ indices = [] for place in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # four corners idx = 0 for i in range(int(np.log(n_pix)/np.log(4))): idx += n_pix//(4**(i+1))*place indices.append(int(idx)) if counterclockwise: idx_2_val = indices[3] # don't need to store both idx_3_val = indices[2] indices[2] = idx_2_val indices[3] = idx_3_val return indices
[docs]def is_inside(ra, dec, ra_bounds, dec_bounds): """Get the boolean mask for whether points are inside provided bounds Parameters ---------- ra : np.ndarray RA of candidate positions, of shape [N,] dec : np.ndarray Dec of candidate positions, of shape [N,] ra_bounds : np.ndarray RA of bounds, of shape [4,] dec_bounds : np.ndarray Dec of bounds, of shape [4,] Returns ------- np.ndarray Boolean mask over ra, dec, whose elements are true if corresponding points are inside bounds """ p = path.Path(list(zip(ra_bounds, dec_bounds))) mask = p.contains_points(list(zip(ra, dec))) return mask
[docs]def get_skycoord(ra, dec): """Create an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord object Parameters ---------- ra : np.array RA in deg dec : np.array dec in deg """ return SkyCoord(ra=ra*, dec=dec*
[docs]def get_target_nside(n_pix, nside_in=2**5): """Get the NSIDE corresponding to the number of sub-healpixels Parameters ---------- n_pix : int desired number of pixels nside_in : int input NSIDE to subsample """ order_in = int(np.log2(nside_in)) order_diff = math.ceil(np.log(n_pix)/np.log(4.0)) # round up log4(n_pix) order_out = order_diff + order_in nside_out = int(2**order_out) return nside_out
[docs]def match(ra_grid, dec_grid, ra_cat, dec_cat, threshold): """Match gridpoints to a catalog based on distance threshold Parameters ---------- ra_grid : np.array dec_grid : np.array ra_cat : np.array dec_cat : np.array gridpoints : astropy.SkyCoord instance threshold : float matching distance threshold in deg extra_constraint : np.array of type bool another set of constraints, aside from separation constraint. Ordering must be based on gridpoints Returns ------- sep_constraint : np.array of shape same as ra/dec_grid and type bool whether each gridpoint was matched to a catalog within sep limit passing_i_cat : np.array of length same as ra_grid[sep_constraint] catalog idx (value) corresponding to each successfully matched gridpoint (position) passing_dist : np.array of shape same as passing_i_cat distance (value) corresponding to each successfully matched gridpoint (position) """ gridpoints = get_skycoord(ra_grid, dec_grid) sub_catalog = get_skycoord(ra_cat, dec_cat) # idx returned is wrt catalog idx_cat, dist, _ = gridpoints.match_to_catalog_sky(sub_catalog) sep_constraint = dist<threshold* #passing_i_grid = np.arange(n_grid)[passing_crit] # idx wrt the gridpoints passing_i_cat = idx_cat[sep_constraint] passing_dist = dist.value[sep_constraint] return sep_constraint, passing_i_cat, passing_dist
[docs]def sample_in_aperture(N, radius): """Uniformly sample points around a zero coordinate on the celestial sphere and translate to cartesian coordinates Parameters ---------- radius : float Aperture radius in deg Returns ------- tuple (RA, dec) of the angular offsets in deg """ c = get_skycoord(0, 0) # absolute pos doesn't matter area = u.Quantity(np.pi*radius**2.0, unit='deg2') pos = uniform_around(c, area, size=N) ra, dec = c.spherical_offsets_to(pos) # roundabout but does the job... return ra, dec