Source code for infer_utils

"""Utility methods managing inference based on a trained model


import os
import sys
import warnings
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats, special
import emcee
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]DEBUG = False
[docs]def get_normal_logpdf(mu, log_sigma, x, bounds_lower=-np.inf, bounds_upper=np.inf): """Evaluate the log kappa likelihood of the test set, log p(k_j|Omega), exactly Note ---- Only normal likelihood supported for now. Returns ------- np.ndarray or float Log PDF, of shape broadcasted across mu, log_sigma, and x """ # logpdf = 0.5*(np.log(ivar + 1.e-7) - ivar*(x - mu)**2.0) candidate = np.array([mu, log_sigma]) if np.any(candidate < bounds_lower): return -np.inf elif np.any(candidate > bounds_upper): return -np.inf logpdf = -log_sigma - 0.5*(x - mu)**2.0/np.exp(2.0*log_sigma) logpdf = logpdf - 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi) # normalization assert not np.isnan(logpdf).any() assert not np.isinf(logpdf).any() return logpdf
[docs]def run_mcmc(log_prob, log_prob_kwargs, p0, n_run, n_burn, chain_path, run_name='mcmc', n_walkers=100, plot_chain=True, clear=False, n_cores=None): """Run MCMC sampling Parameters ---------- p0 : np.array of shape `[n_walkers, n_dim]` n_run : int n_burn : int chain_path : os.path or str n_walkers : int plot_chain : bool """ n_dim = p0.shape[1] n_cores = cpu_count() - 2 if n_cores is None else n_cores # Set up the backend backend = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(chain_path, name=run_name) if clear: backend.reset(n_walkers, n_dim) # clear it in case the file already exists with Pool(n_cores) as pool: sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(n_walkers, n_dim, log_prob, kwargs=log_prob_kwargs, pool=pool, backend=backend) if n_burn > 0: print("Running MCMC...") state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, n_burn) sampler.reset() sampler.run_mcmc(state, n_run, progress=True) else: sampler.run_mcmc(None, n_run, progress=True) if plot_chain: samples = sampler.get_chain(flat=True) get_chain_plot(samples, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(chain_path), f'mcmc_chain_{os.path.split(chain_path)[1]}.png'))
[docs]def get_chain_plot(samples, out_path='mcmc_chain.png'): """Plot MCMC chain Note ---- Borrowed from """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(10, 7), sharex=True) n_chain, n_dim = samples.shape labels = ["mean", "log_sigma"] for i in range(2): ax = axes[i] ax.plot(samples[:, i], "k", alpha=0.3) ax.set_xlim(0, len(samples)) ax.set_ylabel(labels[i]) ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-0.1, 0.5) axes[-1].set_xlabel("step number") if out_path is None: else: fig.savefig(out_path)
[docs]def get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_kde(k_train, k_bnn, kwargs=None): """Evaluate the log likelihood, log p(k|Omega_int), using kernel density estimation (KDE) on training kappa, on the BNN kappa samples of test sightlines Parameters ---------- k_train : np.array of shape `[n_train]` kappa in the training set k_bnn : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` kwargs : dict currently unused, placeholder for symmetry with analytic version Returns ------- np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` log p(k|Omega_int) """ kde = stats.gaussian_kde(k_train, bw_method='scott') log_p_k_given_omega_int = kde.pdf(k_bnn.reshape(-1)).reshape(k_bnn.shape) log_p_k_given_omega_int = np.log(log_p_k_given_omega_int) assert not np.isnan(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() assert not np.isinf(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() return log_p_k_given_omega_int
[docs]def get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_analytic(k_train, k_bnn, interim_pdf_func): """Evaluate the log likelihood, log p(k|Omega_int), using kernel density estimation (KDE) on training kappa, on the BNN kappa samples of test sightlines Parameters ---------- k_train : np.array of shape `[n_train]` kappa in the training set. Unused. k_bnn : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` interim_pdf_func : callable function that evaluates the PDF of the interim prior Returns ------- np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` log p(k|Omega_int) """ log_p_k_given_omega_int = interim_pdf_func(k_bnn) log_p_k_given_omega_int = np.log(log_p_k_given_omega_int) assert not np.isnan(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() assert not np.isinf(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() return log_p_k_given_omega_int
[docs]def get_omega_post(k_bnn, log_p_k_given_omega_int, mcmc_kwargs, bounds_lower, bounds_upper): """Sample from p(Omega|{d}) using MCMC Parameters ---------- k_bnn : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` BNN samples for `n_test` sightlines log_p_k_given_omega_int : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` log p(k_bnn|Omega_int) """ np.random.seed(42) k_bnn = k_bnn.squeeze(1) # pop the lone Y_dim dimension log_p_k_given_omega_func = partial(get_normal_logpdf, x=k_bnn, bounds_lower=bounds_lower, bounds_upper=bounds_upper) mcmc_kwargs['log_prob_kwargs'] = dict( log_p_k_given_omega_func=log_p_k_given_omega_func, log_p_k_given_omega_int=log_p_k_given_omega_int ) if DEBUG: print("int", log_p_k_given_omega_int.shape) print("kbnn", k_bnn.shape)'num.npy', log_p_k_given_omega_func(0.01, np.log(0.04)))'denom.npy', log_p_k_given_omega_int) p = np.zeros([200, 100]) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, 0.05, 200), np.linspace(-7, -3, 100), indexing='ij') for i in range(200): for j in range(100): p[i, j] = log_prob_mcmc([xx[i, j], yy[i, j]], **mcmc_kwargs['log_prob_kwargs'])'p_look.npy', p) run_mcmc(log_prob_mcmc, **mcmc_kwargs)
[docs]def get_omega_post_loop(k_samples_list, log_p_k_given_omega_int_list, mcmc_kwargs, bounds_lower, bounds_upper): """Sample from p(Omega|{d}) using MCMC Parameters ---------- k_samples_list : list Each element is the array of samples for a sightline, so the list has length `n_test` log_p_k_given_omega_int_list : list Each element is the array of log p(k_samples|Omega_int) for a sightline, so the list has length `n_test` """ np.random.seed(42) n_test = len(k_samples_list) log_p_k_given_omega_func_list = [] for los_i in range(n_test): log_p_k_given_omega_func_list.append(partial(get_normal_logpdf, x=k_samples_list[los_i], bounds_lower=bounds_lower, bounds_upper=bounds_upper)) kwargs = dict( log_p_k_given_omega_func_list=log_p_k_given_omega_func_list, log_p_k_given_omega_int_list=log_p_k_given_omega_int_list ) mcmc_kwargs['log_prob_kwargs'] = kwargs if DEBUG: print("n_test") print(len(k_samples_list), len(log_p_k_given_omega_int_list)) print(len(log_p_k_given_omega_func_list)) print("n_samples of first sightline") print(len(k_samples_list[0]), len(log_p_k_given_omega_int_list[0])) if DEBUG:'func_list_num', log_p_k_given_omega_func_list)'arr_list_denom', log_p_k_given_omega_int_list) run_mcmc(log_prob_mcmc_loop, **mcmc_kwargs)
[docs]def log_prob_mcmc(omega, log_p_k_given_omega_func, log_p_k_given_omega_int): """Evaluate the MCMC objective Parameters ---------- omega : list Current MCMC sample of [mu, log_sigma] = Omega log_p_k_given_omega_func : callable function that returns p(k|Omega) of shape [n_test, n_samples] for given omega and k fixed to be the BNN samples log_p_k_given_omega_int : np.ndarray Values of p(k|Omega_int) of shape [n_test, n_samples] for k fixed to be the BNN samples Returns ------- float Description """ log_p_k_given_omega = log_p_k_given_omega_func(omega[0], omega[1]) log_ratio = log_p_k_given_omega - log_p_k_given_omega_int # [n_test, n_samples] mean_over_samples = special.logsumexp(log_ratio, # normalization b=1.0/log_ratio.shape[-1], axis=1) # [n_test,] assert not np.isnan(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() assert not np.isinf(log_p_k_given_omega_int).any() log_prob = mean_over_samples.sum() # summed over sightlines # log_prob = log_prob - n_test*np.log(n_samples) # normalization return log_prob
[docs]def log_prob_mcmc_loop(omega, log_p_k_given_omega_func_list, log_p_k_given_omega_int_list): """Evaluate the MCMC objective Parameters ---------- omega : list Current MCMC sample of [mu, log_sigma] = Omega log_p_k_given_omega_func_list : list of callable List of functions that returns p(k|Omega) of shape [n_samples] for given omega and k fixed to be the posterior samples log_p_k_given_omega_int_list : np.ndarray List of values of p(k|Omega_int) of shape [n_samples] for k fixed to be the posterior samples Returns ------- float Description """ n_test = len(log_p_k_given_omega_int_list) mean_over_samples_dataset = np.empty(n_test) for los_i in range(n_test): # log_p_k_given_omega ~ [n_samples] log_p_k_given_omega = log_p_k_given_omega_func_list[los_i](omega[0], omega[1]) log_ratio = log_p_k_given_omega - log_p_k_given_omega_int_list[los_i] # [n_samples] # print(len(log_ratio), len(log_p_k_given_omega), len(log_p_k_given_omega_int_list[los_i])) mean_over_samples = special.logsumexp(log_ratio, # normalization b=1.0/len(log_ratio)) # scalar if DEBUG: if np.sum(~np.isfinite(log_ratio)) > 0: print("has nan in log_ratio") print("number of nans: ", np.sum(~np.isfinite(log_ratio))) print("los:", los_i) print("omega:", omega) print("num:", log_p_k_given_omega) print("denom:", log_p_k_given_omega_int_list[los_i]) if np.isnan(mean_over_samples): print("NaN mean over samples") print("los:", los_i) print("omega:", omega) print("num:", log_p_k_given_omega) print("denom:", log_p_k_given_omega_int_list[los_i]) mean_over_samples_dataset[los_i] = mean_over_samples is_finite = np.isfinite(mean_over_samples_dataset) n_eff_samples = np.sum(is_finite) good = mean_over_samples_dataset[is_finite] if n_eff_samples < n_test: return -np.inf #if n_eff_samples == 0: # # Happens when proposed omega is out of bounds, # # i.e. numerator `log_p_k_given_omega` is -np.inf, a scalar # return -np.inf #else: # if DEBUG: # warnings.warn(f"Effective samples {n_eff_samples} less than total") # assert not np.isnan(mean_over_samples_dataset).any() # assert not np.isinf(mean_over_samples_dataset).any() log_prob = good.sum() # summed over sightlines # log_prob = log_prob - n_test*np.log(n_samples) # normalization return log_prob
[docs]def get_mcmc_samples(chain_path, chain_kwargs): """Load the samples from saved MCMC run Parameters ---------- chain_path : str Path to the stored chain chain_kwargs : dict Options for chain postprocessing, including flat, thin, discard Returns ------- np.array of shape `[n_omega, 2]` omega samples from MCMC chain """ backend = emcee.backends.HDFBackend(chain_path) chain = backend.get_chain(**chain_kwargs) return chain
[docs]def get_kappa_log_weights(k_bnn, log_p_k_given_omega_int, omega_post_samples=None): """Evaluate the log weights used to reweight individual kappa posteriors Parameters ---------- k_bnn : np.ndarray of shape `[n_samples]` BNN posterior samples log_p_k_given_omega_int : np.ndarray of shape `[n_samples]` Likelihood of BNN kappa given the interim prior. omega_post_samples : np.ndarray, optional Omega posterior samples used as the prior to apply. Should be np.array of shape `[n_omega, 2]`. If None, only division by the interim prior will be done. Returns ------- np.ndarray log weights evaluated at k_bnn """ k_bnn = k_bnn.reshape(-1, 1) # [n_samplses, 1] if omega_post_samples is not None: mu = omega_post_samples[:, 0].reshape([1, -1]) # [1, n_omega] log_sigma = omega_post_samples[:, 1].reshape([1, -1]) # [1, n_omega] num = get_normal_logpdf(x=k_bnn, mu=mu, log_sigma=log_sigma) # [n_samples, n_omega] else: num = 0.0 denom = log_p_k_given_omega_int[:, np.newaxis] # [n_samples, 1] log_weights = special.logsumexp(num - denom, axis=-1) # [n_samples] return log_weights
[docs]def get_kappa_log_weights_vectorized(k_bnn, omega_post_samples, log_p_k_given_omega_int): """Evaluate the log weights used to reweight individual kappa posteriors Parameters ---------- k_bnn : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` omega_post_samples : np.array of shape `[n_omega, 2]` log_p_k_given_omega_int : np.array of shape `[n_test, n_samples]` """ k_bnn = k_bnn[:, :, np.newaxis] # [n_test, n_samples, 1] mu = omega_post_samples[:, 0].reshape([1, 1, -1]) # [1, 1, n_omega] log_sigma = omega_post_samples[:, 0].reshape([1, 1, -1]) # [1, 1, n_omega] num = get_normal_logpdf(x=k_bnn, mu=mu, log_sigma=log_sigma) # [n_test, n_samples, n_omega] denom = log_p_k_given_omega_int[:, :, np.newaxis] weights = special.logsumexp(num - denom, axis=-1) # [n_test, n_samples] return weights
[docs]def resample_from_pdf(grid, log_pdf, n_samples): if n_samples > len(grid): fine_grid = np.linspace(grid.min(), grid.max(), n_samples*5) pdf = np.interp(fine_grid, grid, np.exp(log_pdf)) else: fine_grid = grid pdf = np.exp(log_pdf) # Normalize to unity pdf = pdf/np.sum(pdf) resampled = np.random.choice(fine_grid, size=n_samples, replace=True, p=pdf) return resampled
[docs]def fit_kde_on_weighted_samples(samples, weights=None): """Fit a KDE on weighted samples """ samples = samples.squeeze() if weights is not None: weights = weights.squeeze() kde = stats.gaussian_kde(samples, bw_method='scott', weights=weights) return kde
[docs]def resample_from_samples(samples, weights, n_resamples, plot_path=None): """Resample from a distribution defined by weighted samples Parameters ---------- samples : np.ndarray weights : np.ndarray n_resamples : int plot_path : str Path for the plot illustrating the KDE fit """ kde = fit_kde_on_weighted_samples(samples, weights) samples = samples.squeeze() weights = weights.squeeze() resamples = kde.resample(n_resamples).squeeze() if plot_path is not None: grid = np.linspace(-0.2, 0.2, 50) plt.hist(samples, density=True, histtype='step', color='tab:gray', label='orig samples') plt.hist(samples, weights=weights, density=True, alpha=0.5, color='tab:red', label='weighted samples') plt.plot(grid, kde.pdf(grid), color='k', label='KDE fit') plt.legend() plt.savefig(plot_path) plt.close() return resamples