Source code for inference_manager

"""Class managing the model inference

import os
import os.path as osp
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import scipy.stats
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from import WeightedRandomSampler
from import DataLoader
from n2j.trainval_data.graphs.cosmodc2_graph import CosmoDC2Graph
import n2j.models as models
import n2j.inference.infer_utils as iutils
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import corner
from n2j.trainval_data.utils.transform_utils import (ComposeXYLocal,
import n2j.inference.summary_stats_baseline as ssb
import n2j.inference.calibration as calib

[docs]class InferenceManager: def __init__(self, device_type, checkpoint_dir, out_dir, seed=123): """Inference tool Parameters ---------- device_type : str checkpoint_dir : os.path or str training checkpoint_dir (same as one used to instantiate `Trainer`) out_dir : os.path or str output directory for inference results """ self.device_type = device_type self.device = torch.device(self.device_type) self.seed = seed self.seed_everything() self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir os.makedirs(self.checkpoint_dir, exist_ok=True) self.out_dir = out_dir os.makedirs(self.out_dir, exist_ok=True) self._include_los = slice(None) # do not exclude los from inference
[docs] def seed_everything(self): """Seed the training and sampling for reproducibility """ np.random.seed(self.seed) random.seed(self.seed) torch.manual_seed(self.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(self.seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
[docs] def load_dataset(self, data_kwargs, is_train, batch_size, sub_features=None, sub_target=None, sub_target_local=None, rebin=False, num_workers=2, noise_kwargs={'mag': {'override_kwargs': None, 'depth': 5}}, detection_kwargs={}): """Load dataset and dataloader for training or validation Note ---- Should be called for training data first, to set the normalizing stats used for both training and validation! """ self.num_workers = num_workers if is_train: self.batch_size = batch_size else: self.val_batch_size = batch_size # X metadata features = data_kwargs['features'] self.sub_features = sub_features if sub_features else features self.X_dim = len(self.sub_features) # Global y metadata target = ['final_kappa', 'final_gamma1', 'final_gamma2'] self.sub_target = sub_target if sub_target else target self.Y_dim = len(self.sub_target) # Lobal y metadata target_local = ['halo_mass', 'stellar_mass', 'redshift'] self.sub_target_local = sub_target_local if sub_target_local else target_local self.Y_local_dim = len(self.sub_target_local) print("Instantiating CosmoDC2Graph...") print(data_kwargs) dataset = CosmoDC2Graph(num_workers=self.num_workers, **data_kwargs) ############ # Training # ############ if is_train: self.train_dataset = dataset print("Reading train stats...") if osp.exists(osp.join(self.checkpoint_dir, '')): stats = torch.load(osp.join(self.checkpoint_dir, '')) else: stats = self.train_dataset.data_stats, osp.join(self.checkpoint_dir, '')) print("Configuring transforms...") # Transforming X idx = get_idx(features, self.sub_features) self.X_mean = stats['X_mean'][:, idx] self.X_std = stats['X_std'][:, idx] slicing = Slicer(idx) mag_idx, which_bands = get_bands_in_x(self.sub_features) print(f"Mag errors added to {which_bands}") magerr = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(mag_idx=mag_idx, which_bands=which_bands, **noise_kwargs['mag']) magcut = Rejector(self.sub_features, **detection_kwargs) norming = Standardizer(self.X_mean, self.X_std) editing_X_meta = Metadata(self.sub_features, ['ra_true', 'dec_true']) norming_X_meta = Standardizer(stats['X_meta_mean'], stats['X_meta_std']) # Transforming local Y idx_Y_local = get_idx(target_local, self.sub_target_local) self.Y_local_mean = stats['Y_local_mean'][:, idx_Y_local] self.Y_local_std = stats['Y_local_std'][:, idx_Y_local] slicing_Y_local = Slicer(idx_Y_local) norming_Y_local = Standardizer(self.Y_local_mean, self.Y_local_std) # TODO: normalization is based on pre-magcut population self.transform_X_Y_local = ComposeXYLocal([slicing, magerr], [slicing_Y_local], [magcut], [norming], [norming_Y_local], [editing_X_meta, norming_X_meta]) # Transforming global Y idx_Y = get_idx(target, self.sub_target) self.Y_mean = stats['Y_mean'][:, idx_Y] self.Y_std = stats['Y_std'][:, idx_Y] slicing_Y = Slicer(idx_Y) norming_Y = Standardizer(self.Y_mean, self.Y_std) self.transform_Y = transforms.Compose([slicing_Y, norming_Y]) self.train_dataset.transform_X_Y_local = self.transform_X_Y_local self.train_dataset.transform_Y = self.transform_Y # Loading option 1: Subsample from a distribution if data_kwargs['subsample_pdf_func'] is not None: print("Configuring subsampling...") self.class_weight = None train_subset =, stats['subsample_idx']) self.train_dataset = train_subset self.train_loader = DataLoader(self.train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, # no need here num_workers=self.num_workers, drop_last=True) else: # Loading option 2: Over/undersample according to inverse frequency if rebin: self.class_weight = stats['class_weight'] sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(stats['y_weight'], num_samples=len(self.train_dataset)) self.train_loader = DataLoader(self.train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=self.num_workers, drop_last=True) # Loading option 3: No special sampling, just shuffle else: self.class_weight = None self.train_loader = DataLoader(self.train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, # no need here num_workers=self.num_workers, drop_last=True) print(f"Train dataset size: {len(self.train_dataset)}") ################### # Validation/Test # ################### else: self.test_dataset = dataset # Compute or retrieve stats necessary for resampling # before setting any kind of transforms # Note: is in inference out_dir, not checkpoint_dir if data_kwargs['subsample_pdf_func'] is not None: stats_test_path = osp.join(self.out_dir, '') if osp.exists(stats_test_path): stats_test = torch.load(stats_test_path) else: stats_test = self.test_dataset.data_stats_valtest, stats_test_path) self.test_dataset.transform_X_Y_local = self.transform_X_Y_local self.test_dataset.transform_Y = self.transform_Y self.set_valtest_loading(stats_test['subsample_idx']) print(f"Test dataset size: {len(self.test_dataset)}")
[docs] def set_valtest_loading(self, sub_idx): """Set the loading options for val/test set. Should be called whenever there are changes to the test dataset, to update the dataloader. Parameters ---------- subsample_pdf_func : callable Description sub_idx : TYPE Description """ self.class_weight = None test_subset =, sub_idx) self.test_dataset = test_subset self.test_loader = DataLoader(self.test_dataset, batch_size=self.val_batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=self.num_workers, drop_last=False)
[docs] def configure_model(self, model_name, model_kwargs={}): self.model_name = model_name self.model_kwargs = model_kwargs self.model = getattr(models, model_name)(**self.model_kwargs) if self.class_weight is not None: self.model.class_weight = n_params = sum(p.numel() for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad) print(f"Number of params: {n_params}")
[docs] def load_state(self, state_path): """Load the state dict of the past training Parameters ---------- state_path : str or os.path object path of the state dict to load """ state = torch.load(state_path, map_location=torch.device(self.device_type)) self.model.load_state_dict(state['model']) self.epoch = state['epoch'] train_loss = state['train_loss'] val_loss = state['val_loss'] print("Loaded weights at {:s}".format(state_path)) print("Epoch [{}]: TRAIN Loss: {:.4f}".format(self.epoch, train_loss)) print("Epoch [{}]: VALID Loss: {:.4f}".format(self.epoch, val_loss)) self.last_saved_val_loss = val_loss
[docs] def include_los(self): """Indices to include in inference. Useful when there are faulty examples in the test set you want to exclude. """ return self._include_los
@include_los.setter def include_los(self, value): if value is None: # Do nothing return value = list(value) self._include_los = value self.set_valtest_loading(value) max_guess = max(value) excluded = np.arange(max_guess)[~np.isin(np.arange(max_guess), value)] print(f"Assuming there were {max_guess+1} sightlines in test set, " f" now excluding indices: {excluded}") @property
[docs] def n_test(self): return len(self.test_dataset)
[docs] def bnn_kappa_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'k_bnn.npy')
[docs] def get_bnn_kappa(self, n_samples=50, n_mc_dropout=20, flatten=True): """Get the samples from the BNN Parameters ---------- n_samples : int number of samples per MC iterate n_mc_dropout : int number of MC iterates Returns ------- np.array of shape `[n_test, self.Y_dim, n_samples*n_mc_dropout]` """ if osp.exists(self.bnn_kappa_path): samples = np.load(self.bnn_kappa_path) if flatten: samples = samples.reshape([self.n_test, self.Y_dim, -1]) return samples # Fetch precomputed Y_mean, Y_std to de-standardize samples Y_mean = Y_std = self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): samples = np.empty([self.n_test, n_mc_dropout, n_samples, self.Y_dim]) for i, batch in enumerate(self.test_loader): batch = for mc_iter in range(n_mc_dropout): x, u = self.model(batch) B = u.shape[0] # [this batch size] # Get pred samples for this MC iterate self.model.global_nll.set_trained_pred(u) mc_samples = self.model.global_nll.sample(Y_mean, Y_std, n_samples) samples[i*B: (i+1)*B, mc_iter, :, :] = mc_samples # Transpose dims to get [n_test, Y_dim, n_mc_dropout, n_samples] samples = samples.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2), samples) if flatten: samples = samples.reshape([self.n_test, self.Y_dim, -1]) return samples
[docs] def true_train_kappa_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'k_train.npy')
[docs] def train_summary_stats_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'summary_stats_train.npy')
[docs] def true_test_kappa_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'k_test.npy')
[docs] def test_summary_stats_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'summary_stats_test.npy')
[docs] def matching_dir(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'matching')
[docs] def log_p_k_given_omega_int_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'log_p_k_given_omega_int.npy')
[docs] def reweighted_grid_dir(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'reweighted_grid')
[docs] def reweighted_per_sample_dir(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'reweighted_per_sample')
[docs] def reweighted_bnn_kappa_grid_path(self): return osp.join(self.reweighted_grid_dir, 'k_bnn_reweighted_grid.npy')
[docs] def reweighted_bnn_kappa_per_sample_path(self): return osp.join(self.reweighted_per_sample_dir, 'k_bnn_reweighted_per_sample.npy')
[docs] def delete_previous(self): """Delete previously stored files related to the test set and inference results, while leaving any training-set related caches, which take longer to generate. """ import shutil files = [self.true_test_kappa_path, self.test_summary_stats_path] files += [self.bnn_kappa_path, self.log_p_k_given_omega_int_path] files += [self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_grid_path] files += [self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_per_sample_path] for f in files: if osp.exists(f): print(f"Deleting {f}...") os.remove(f) dirs = [self.matching_dir] dirs += [self.reweighted_grid_dir, self.reweighted_per_sample_dir] for d in dirs: if osp.exists(d): print(f"Deleting {d} and all its contents...") shutil.rmtree(d)
[docs] def get_true_kappa(self, is_train, compute_summary=True, save=True): """Fetch true kappa (for train/val/test) Parameters ---------- is_train : bool Whether to get true kappas for train (test otherwise) compute_summary : bool, optional Whether to compute summary stats in the loop save : bool, optional Whether to store the kappa to disk Returns ------- np.ndarray true kappas of shape `[n_data, Y_dim]` """ # Decide which dataset we're collecting kappa labels for if is_train: path = self.true_train_kappa_path ss_path = self.train_summary_stats_path else: path = self.true_test_kappa_path ss_path = self.test_summary_stats_path if osp.exists(path): if compute_summary and osp.exists(ss_path): true_kappa = np.load(path) return true_kappa if is_train: n_data = len(self.train_dataset) loader = self.train_loader else: n_data = self.n_test loader = self.test_loader print(f"Saving {path}...") # Fetch precomputed Y_mean, Y_std to de-standardize samples Y_mean = Y_std = if compute_summary: pos_indices = get_idx(self.sub_features, ['ra_true', 'dec_true']) ss_obj = ssb.SummaryStats(n_data, pos_indices) # Init empty array true_kappa = np.empty([n_data, self.Y_dim]) with torch.no_grad(): # Populate `true_kappa` by batches for i, batch in enumerate(loader): # Update summary stats using CPU batch if compute_summary: ss_obj.update(batch, i) batch = B = batch.y.shape[0] # [this batch size]ss_obj true_kappa[i*B: (i+1)*B, :] = (batch.y*Y_std + Y_mean).cpu().numpy() if save:, true_kappa) if compute_summary: ss_obj.export_stats(ss_path) return true_kappa
[docs] def get_summary_stats(self, thresholds, interim_pdf_func=None, match=True, min_matches=1000, k_max=np.inf): """Save accepted samples from summary statistics matching Parameters ---------- thresholds : dict Matching thresholds for summary stats Keys should be one or both of 'N' and 'N_inv_dist'. """ train_k = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=True, compute_summary=True) test_k = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=False, compute_summary=True) pos_indices = get_idx(self.sub_features, ['ra_true', 'dec_true']) train_ss_obj = ssb.SummaryStats(len(self.train_dataset), pos_indices) train_ss_obj.set_stats(self.train_summary_stats_path) test_ss_obj = ssb.SummaryStats(len(self.test_dataset), pos_indices) test_ss_obj.set_stats(self.test_summary_stats_path) self.matcher = ssb.Matcher(train_ss_obj, test_ss_obj, train_k, self.matching_dir, test_k) if match: self.matcher.match_summary_stats(thresholds, interim_pdf_func, min_matches=min_matches, k_max=k_max) overview = self.matcher.get_overview_table() return overview
[docs] def get_log_p_k_given_omega_int(self, n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func): """Compute log(p_k|Omega_int) for BNN samples p_k Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of BNN samples per MC iterate per sightline n_mc_dropout : int Number of MC dropout iterates per sightline interim_pdf_func : callable Function that evaluates the PDF of the interim prior Returns ------- np.ndarray Probabilities log(p_k|Omega_int) of shape `[n_test, n_mc_dropout*n_samples]` """ if osp.exists(self.log_p_k_given_omega_int_path): return np.load(self.log_p_k_given_omega_int_path) # k_train = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=True).squeeze(1) k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=n_samples, n_mc_dropout=n_mc_dropout).squeeze(1) log_p_k_given_omega_int = iutils.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_analytic(k_train=None, #k_train, k_bnn=k_bnn, interim_pdf_func=interim_pdf_func), log_p_k_given_omega_int) return log_p_k_given_omega_int
[docs] def get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_loop(self, interim_pdf_func, bnn=False, ss_name='N', k_max=np.inf): """Compute log(p_k|Omega_int) for BNN or summary stats samples p_k. Useful when the number of samples differs across sightlines, so the computation is not trivially vectorizable. Parameters ---------- interim_pdf_func : callable Function that evaluates the PDF of the interim prior bnn : bool, optional Whether the samples are BNN's. If False, understood to be summary stats matched samples. ss_name : str, optional Summary stats name. Only used if `bnn` is False. Default: 'N' """ sample_type = 'bnn' if bnn else 'ss' if bnn: raise NotImplementedError("Use the vectorized version for BNN!") path = osp.join(self.matching_dir, f'log_p_k_given_omega_int_{ss_name}_list.npy') if osp.exists(path): return np.load(path, allow_pickle=True) log_p_k_given_omega_int_list = [] for i in range(self.n_test): samples_i = self.matcher.get_samples(idx=i, ss_name=ss_name, threshold=None) samples_i = samples_i[samples_i < k_max] samples_i = samples_i.reshape([1, -1]) # artificial n_test of 1 # TODO: use get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_per_los log_p_i = iutils.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_analytic(k_train=None, k_bnn=samples_i, interim_pdf_func=interim_pdf_func) # log_p_i ~ [1, len(samples_i)] so squeeze log_p_k_given_omega_int_list.append(log_p_i.squeeze()), log_p_k_given_omega_int_list, allow_pickle=True) return log_p_k_given_omega_int_list
[docs] def get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_per_los(self, i, samples_i, interim_pdf_func, ss_name='N'): """Compute log(p_k|Omega_int) for BNN or summary stats samples p_k. Useful when the number of samples differs across sightlines, so the computation is not trivially vectorizable. Parameters ---------- i : int ID of sightline samples_i : np.ndarray Matched posterior samples for this sightline interim_pdf_func : callable Function that evaluates the PDF of the interim prior ss_name : str, optional Summary stats name. Only used if `bnn` is False. Default: 'N' """ samples_i = samples_i.reshape([1, -1]) # artificial n_test of 1 log_p_i = iutils.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_analytic(k_train=None, k_bnn=samples_i, interim_pdf_func=interim_pdf_func) return log_p_i.squeeze() # log_p_i ~ [1, len(samples_i)] so squeeze
[docs] def run_mcmc_for_omega_post(self, n_samples, n_mc_dropout, mcmc_kwargs, interim_pdf_func, bounds_lower=-np.inf, bounds_upper=np.inf): """Run EMCEE to obtain the posterior on test hyperparams, omega Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of BNN samples per MC iterate per sightline n_mc_dropout : int Number of MC dropout iterates mcmc_kwargs : dict Config going into `infer_utils.run_mcmc` bounds_lower : np.ndarray or float, optional Lower bound for target quantities bounds_upper : np.ndarray or float, optional Upper bound for target quantities """ k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=n_samples, n_mc_dropout=n_mc_dropout) log_p_k_given_omega_int = self.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int(n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func) iutils.get_omega_post(k_bnn, log_p_k_given_omega_int, mcmc_kwargs, bounds_lower, bounds_upper)
[docs] def run_mcmc_for_omega_post_summary_stats(self, ss_name, mcmc_kwargs, interim_pdf_func, bounds_lower=-np.inf, bounds_upper=np.inf): """Run EMCEE to obtain the posterior on test hyperparams, omega using the matched summary statistics samples, rather than BNN posterior samples Parameters ---------- ss_name : str What kind of summary stats to query (one of 'N', 'N_inv_dist') mcmc_kwargs : dict Config going into `infer_utils.run_mcmc` bounds_lower : np.ndarray or float, optional Lower bound for target quantities bounds_upper : np.ndarray or float, optional Upper bound for target quantities """ log_p_k_given_omega_int_list = [] samples = [] for i in range(self.n_test): samples_orig_i = self.matcher.get_samples(idx=i, ss_name=ss_name, threshold=None) # Fit Gaussian on matched posterior samples norm_i = scipy.stats.norm(loc=np.median(samples_orig_i), scale=scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(samples_orig_i, scale='normal')) rng = np.random.RandomState(i) samples_i = norm_i.rvs(20000, random_state=rng) log_p_i = self.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int_per_los(i, samples_i, interim_pdf_func, ss_name='N') log_p_k_given_omega_int_list.append(log_p_i) samples.append(samples_i) iutils.get_omega_post_loop(samples, log_p_k_given_omega_int_list, mcmc_kwargs, bounds_lower, bounds_upper)
[docs] def get_kappa_log_weights(self, idx, n_samples=None, n_mc_dropout=None, interim_pdf_func=None, grid=None): """Get log weights for reweighted kappa posterior per sample Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of sightline in test set n_samples : int Number of samples per dropout, for getting kappa samples. (May be overridden with what was used previously, if kappa samples were already drawn and stored) n_mc_dropout : int Number of dropout iterates, for getting kappa samples. (May be overridden with what was used previously, if kappa samples were already drawn and stored) interim_pdf_func : callable Function that returns the density of the interim prior grid : None, optional Unused but kept for consistency with `get_kappa_log_weigths_grid` Returns ------- np.ndarray log weights for each of the BNN samples for this sightline """ os.makedirs(self.reweighted_per_sample_dir, exist_ok=True) path = osp.join(self.reweighted_per_sample_dir, f'log_weights_{idx}.npy') k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=n_samples, n_mc_dropout=n_mc_dropout) log_p_k_given_omega_int = self.get_log_p_k_given_omega_int(n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func) # omega_post_samples = iutils.get_mcmc_samples(chain_path, chain_kwargs) log_weights = iutils.get_kappa_log_weights(k_bnn[idx, :], log_p_k_given_omega_int[idx, :]), log_weights) return log_weights
[docs] def get_kappa_log_weights_grid(self, idx, grid=None, n_samples=None, n_mc_dropout=None, interim_pdf_func=None): """Get log weights for reweighted kappa posterior, analytically on a grid Parameters ---------- idx : int Index of sightline in test set grid : np.ndarray, optional Grid of kappa values at which to evaluate log weights (May be overridden with what was used previously, if kappa samples were already drawn and stored) n_samples : int, optional Number of samples per dropout, for getting kappa samples. (May be overridden with what was used previously, if kappa samples were already drawn and stored) n_mc_dropout : int, optional Number of dropout iterates, for getting kappa samples. (May be overridden with what was used previously, if kappa samples were already drawn and stored) interim_pdf_func : callable, optional Function that returns the density of the interim prior Note ---- log doesn't help with numerical stability since we divide probabilities directly, but we're keeping this just for consistency Returns ------- np.ndarray kappa grid, log weights for each of the BNN samples for this sightline """ os.makedirs(self.reweighted_grid_dir, exist_ok=True) path = osp.join(self.reweighted_grid_dir, f'log_weights_{idx}.npy') if osp.exists(path): return np.load(path) # Get unflattened, i.e. [n_test, 1, n_mc_dropout, n_samples] k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=n_samples, n_mc_dropout=n_mc_dropout, flatten=False) k_bnn = k_bnn[idx, 0, :, :] # [n_mc_dropout, n_samples] n_mc_dropout, n_samples = k_bnn.shape numer = np.zeros(grid.shape) # init numerator # Fit a normal for each MC dropout for d in range(n_mc_dropout): samples_d = k_bnn[d, :] norm_d = scipy.stats.norm(loc=samples_d.mean(), scale=samples_d.std()) bnn_prob_d = norm_d.pdf(grid) numer += (bnn_prob_d - numer)/(d+1) # running mean # Useful for debugging, f'grid_bnn_gmm_{idx}.npy'), numer) denom = interim_pdf_func(grid) log_weights = np.log(numer/denom) log_weights_grid = np.stack([grid, log_weights], axis=0), log_weights_grid) return log_weights_grid
[docs] def get_reweighted_bnn_kappa(self, n_resamples, grid_kappa_kwargs, k_max=None, ): """Get the reweighted BNN kappa samples, reweighted either on a grid or per sample Parameters ---------- n_resamples : int Number of resamples from the reweighted distribution grid_kappa_kwargs : dict Kwargs for Returns ------- tuple Two arrays of shape [n_test, 1, n_resamples], first of which is resamples using the grid reweighting and second of which is resamples using the per-sample reweighting """ if osp.exists(self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_grid_path): if osp.exists(self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_per_sample_path): print("Reading existing reweighted BNN kappa...") grid = np.load(self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_grid_path) per_sample = np.load(self.reweighted_bnn_kappa_per_sample_path) return grid, per_sample n_test = len(self.test_dataset) k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=grid_kappa_kwargs['n_samples'], n_mc_dropout=grid_kappa_kwargs['n_mc_dropout']) # Init reweighted arrays k_reweighted_grid = np.empty([n_test, 1, n_resamples]) k_reweighted_per_sample = np.empty([n_test, 1, n_resamples]) for idx in tqdm(range(n_test), desc='evaluating, resampling'): # On a grid grid, log_p = self.get_kappa_log_weights_grid(idx, **grid_kappa_kwargs) per_grid = iutils.resample_from_pdf(grid, log_p, n_resamples) k_reweighted_grid[idx, 0, :] = per_grid # Per sample log_p_sample = self.get_kappa_log_weights(idx, **grid_kappa_kwargs) k_bnn_i = k_bnn[idx].squeeze() # [n_total_samples,] probs_i = np.exp(log_p_sample) # [n_total_samples,] if k_max is not None: mask = k_bnn_i < k_max k_bnn_i = k_bnn_i[mask] probs_i = probs_i[mask] plot_path = osp.join(self.reweighted_per_sample_dir, f'kde_{idx}.png') per_sample = iutils.resample_from_samples(k_bnn_i, probs_i, n_resamples, plot_path) k_reweighted_per_sample[idx, 0, :] = per_sample # Grid resamples for all sightlines, k_reweighted_grid) # Per-sample resamples for all sightlines, k_reweighted_per_sample) return k_reweighted_grid, k_reweighted_per_sample
[docs] def get_omega_samples(self, chain_path, chain_kwargs, log_idx=None): omega_post_samples = iutils.get_mcmc_samples(chain_path, chain_kwargs) if log_idx is not None: omega_post_samples[:, log_idx] = np.exp(omega_post_samples[:, log_idx]) return omega_post_samples
[docs] def visualize_omega_post(self, chain_path, chain_kwargs, corner_kwargs, log_idx=None): # MCMC samples ~ [n_omega, 2] omega_post_samples = self.get_omega_samples(chain_path, chain_kwargs, log_idx=log_idx) print(f"Plotting {omega_post_samples.shape[0]} samples...") fig = corner.corner(omega_post_samples, **corner_kwargs) fig.savefig(osp.join(self.out_dir, 'omega_post.pdf'))
[docs] def visualize_kappa_post(self, idx, n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func, grid=None): log_weights = self.get_kappa_log_weights(idx, n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func) # [n_samples] grid, log_w_grid = self.get_kappa_log_weights_grid(idx, grid, n_samples, n_mc_dropout, interim_pdf_func) w_grid = np.exp(log_w_grid) k_bnn = self.get_bnn_kappa(n_samples=n_samples, n_mc_dropout=n_mc_dropout) # [n_test, n_samples] true_k = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=False) fig, ax = plt.subplots() # Original posterior bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(k_bnn[idx].squeeze(), bins='scott',) ax.hist(k_bnn[idx].squeeze(), histtype='step', bins=bins, density=True, color='#8ca252', label='original') # Reweighted posterior, per sample ax.hist(k_bnn[idx].squeeze(), histtype='step', bins=25, density=True, weights=np.exp(log_weights), color='#d6616b', label='reweighted per sample') # Reweighted posterior, analytical reweighted_k_bnn, _ = self.get_reweighted_bnn_kappa(None, None) reweighted_k_bnn = reweighted_k_bnn[idx, 0, :] bin_vals, bin_edges = np.histogram(reweighted_k_bnn, bins='scott', density=True) norm_factor = np.max(bin_vals)/np.max(w_grid) ax.plot(grid, norm_factor*w_grid, color='#d6616b', label='reweighted on grid') # Truth ax.axvline(true_k[idx].squeeze(), color='k', label='truth') ax.set_xlabel(r'$\kappa$') ax.legend()
[docs] def pre_reweighting_metrics_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'pre_metrics.csv')
[docs] def pre_reweighting_metrics(self): return pd.read_csv(self.pre_reweighting_metrics_path, index_col=False)
[docs] def post_reweighting_metrics_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'post_metrics.csv')
[docs] def post_reweighting_metrics(self): return pd.read_csv(self.post_reweighting_metrics_path, index_col=False)
[docs] def post_reweighting_metrics_grid_path(self): return osp.join(self.out_dir, 'post_metrics_grid.csv')
[docs] def post_reweighting_metrics_grid(self): return pd.read_csv(self.post_reweighting_metrics_grid_path, index_col=False)
[docs] def compute_metrics(self): """Evaluate metrics for model selection, based on per-sample reweighting for fair comparison to summary stats metrics # TODO: move to separate helper module for pre, post, post-grid """ columns = ['minus_1sig', 'med', 'plus_1sig'] columns += ['log_p', 'mad', 'mae'] # mae = median absolute errors, robust measure of accuracy # mad = median absolute deviation, robust measure of precision # Metrics on pre-reweighting BNN posteriors k_bnn_pre = self.get_bnn_kappa() pre_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) # Metrics on post-reweighting BNN posteriors k_bnn_post_grid, k_bnn_post = self.get_reweighted_bnn_kappa(None, None) post_metrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) post_metrics_grid = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) # True kappa k_test = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=False).squeeze() n_test = len(k_test) for i in range(n_test): # Init rows to append pre_stats = dict() post_stats = dict() post_stats_grid = dict() # Slice samples for this sightline pre_samples = k_bnn_pre[i, 0, :] post_samples = k_bnn_post[i, 0, :] post_samples_grid = k_bnn_post_grid[i, 0, :] # Evaluate log p at truth, using KDE fit on samples # with and without 1/prior weights true_k = k_test[i] log_w = self.get_kappa_log_weights(i) # per-sample log weights grid, log_w_grid = self.get_kappa_log_weights_grid(i) # grid log weights pre_kde = iutils.fit_kde_on_weighted_samples(pre_samples) post_kde = iutils.fit_kde_on_weighted_samples(pre_samples, np.exp(log_w)) post_kde_grid = iutils.fit_kde_on_weighted_samples(grid, np.exp(log_w_grid)) pre_log_p = pre_kde.logpdf(true_k).item() post_log_p = post_kde.logpdf(true_k).item() post_log_p_grid = post_kde_grid.logpdf(true_k).item() pre_stats.update(log_p=pre_log_p) post_stats.update(log_p=post_log_p) post_stats_grid.update(log_p=post_log_p_grid) # Compute descriptive stats lower, med, upper = np.quantile(pre_samples, [0.5-0.34, 0.5, 0.5+0.34]) pre_stats.update(minus_1sig=med - lower, med=med, plus_1sig=upper - med, mae=np.median(np.abs(pre_samples - true_k)), mad=scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(pre_samples, scale='normal')) lower, med, upper = np.quantile(post_samples, [0.5-0.34, 0.5, 0.5+0.34]) post_stats.update(minus_1sig=med - lower, med=med, plus_1sig=upper - med, mae=np.median(np.abs(post_samples - true_k)), mad=scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(post_samples, scale='normal')) lower, med, upper = np.quantile(post_samples_grid, [0.5-0.34, 0.5, 0.5+0.34]) post_stats_grid.update(minus_1sig=med - lower, med=med, plus_1sig=upper - med, mae=np.median(np.abs(post_samples_grid - true_k)), mad=scipy.stats.median_abs_deviation(post_samples_grid, scale='normal')) pre_metrics = pre_metrics.append(pre_stats, ignore_index=True) post_metrics = post_metrics.append(post_stats, ignore_index=True) post_metrics_grid = post_metrics_grid.append(post_stats_grid, ignore_index=True) # Evaluate average metrics over entire test set pre_metrics = pre_metrics.append(pre_metrics.mean(), ignore_index=True) pre_metrics = pre_metrics.append(pre_metrics.median(), ignore_index=True) post_metrics = post_metrics.append(post_metrics.mean(), ignore_index=True) post_metrics = post_metrics.append(post_metrics.median(), ignore_index=True) post_metrics_grid = post_metrics_grid.append(post_metrics_grid.mean(), ignore_index=True) post_metrics_grid = post_metrics_grid.append(post_metrics_grid.median(), ignore_index=True) # Save as CSV pre_metrics.to_csv(self.pre_reweighting_metrics_path, index=False) post_metrics.to_csv(self.post_reweighting_metrics_path, index=False) post_metrics_grid.to_csv(self.post_reweighting_metrics_grid_path, index=False)
[docs] def get_calibration_plot(self, k_bnn): """Plot calibration (should be run on the validation set) Parameters ---------- k_bnn : np.ndarray Reweighted BNN samples, of shape [n_test, Y_dim, n_samples] """ k_bnn = np.transpose(k_bnn, [2, 0, 1]) # [n_samples, n_test, Y_dim=1] y_mean = np.mean(k_bnn, axis=0) k_val = self.get_true_kappa(is_train=False) train_cov = self.Y_std.cpu().numpy() fig = calib.plot_calibration(post_samples=k_bnn, y_mean=y_mean, y_truth=k_val, cov=train_cov, show_plot=False, ls='--', color_map=['tab:gray', '#880519'], legend=['Perfect calibration', 'Dropout']) fig.savefig(osp.join(self.out_dir, 'calibration.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0, dpi=200)
# TODO: add docstring # TODO: implement initialization from PSO # TODO: implement method `visualize_kappa_post_all` comparing before vs after # for all sightlines in test set # TODO: implement method `visualize_learned_prior` stacking predictions # for all sightlines in prior # TODO: add markdown to notebook