Source code for test_transform_utils

import unittest
import numpy as np
import torch
from n2j.trainval_data.utils.transform_utils import (Metadata,

[docs]class TestMetadata(unittest.TestCase): """A suite of tests verifying metadata computation """
[docs] def test_correctness(self): meta_transform = Metadata(['x', 'y'], ['x', 'y']) x = torch.FloatTensor([[3, 4], [5, 12], [8, 15]]) x_meta, _ = meta_transform(x_meta=None, x=x) N_inv_dist = 1/(5.0+1.e-5) + 1/(13.0+1.e-5) + 1/(17.0+1.e-5) x_meta_correct = torch.FloatTensor([[3, N_inv_dist]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(x_meta, x_meta_correct)
[docs]class TestRejector(unittest.TestCase): """A suite of tests verifying the magnitude Rejector methods """ @classmethod
[docs] def setUpClass(cls): cls.x = torch.arange(12).reshape([4, 3]) # tensor to transform cls.x_np = cls.x.cpu().numpy() # array([[ 0, 1, 2], # [ 3, 4, 5], # [ 6, 7, 8], # [ 9, 10, 11]]) cls.y_local = torch.randn(4, 2) # placeholder
[docs] def test_default(self): """Test no input (defaults), which should do nothing """ rej = Rejector(**{}) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[0], self.x) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[1], self.y_local)
[docs] def test_min_only(self): """Test when only min_vals is provided, partial or full """ # Partial min_vals detection_kwargs = {'ref_features': ['c', 'b'], 'min_vals': [4.5, None]} rej = Rejector(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], **detection_kwargs) expected = torch.tensor([[3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[0], expected) # Full min_vals detection_kwargs = {'ref_features': ['c', 'b'], 'min_vals': [4.5, 6]} rej = Rejector(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], **detection_kwargs) expected = torch.tensor([[6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[0], expected)
[docs] def test_max_only(self): """Test when only max_vals is provided, partial or full """ # Partial max_vals detection_kwargs = {'ref_features': ['c', 'b'], 'max_vals': [None, 5]} rej = Rejector(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], **detection_kwargs) expected = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[0], expected) # Full max_vals detection_kwargs = {'ref_features': ['c', 'b'], 'max_vals': [9, 5]} rej = Rejector(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], **detection_kwargs) expected = torch.tensor([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(rej(self.x, self.y_local)[0], expected)
[docs]def test_get_bands_in_x(): # Watch the 'Y' being uppercase x_cols = ['froyo', 'madi', 'mag_i_lsst', 'jiwon', 'mag_Y_lsst'] mag_idx, which_bands = get_bands_in_x(x_cols) np.testing.assert_equal(mag_idx, [2, 4]) np.testing.assert_equal(which_bands, ['i', 'y'])
[docs]class TestMagErrorSimulator(unittest.TestCase): """A suite of tests verifying the magnitude MagErrorSimulator methods """ @classmethod
[docs] def setUpClass(cls): """Set global defaults for tests """ pass
[docs] def test_basic(self): """Verify correspondence with same analytic function in Colab notebook """ mes = MagErrorSimulator() mag = 24 u_idx = list('ugrizy').index('u') # 0 sigma_u = mes.get_sigmas(mag)[:, u_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_u, 0.04455297880298702) # if using OpSim median sky brightness, rather than tuned sky brightness: # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_u, 0.04086201169946179) # if using Table 2 seeing, sky brightness, rather than OpSim: # np.testing.assert_equal(sigma_u, 0.033833253781615086) mags = np.array([[24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24]]) sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(mags) expected_sigmas = np.array([[0.04455298, 0.01766673, 0.01868476, 0.03230199, 0.09370100, 0.18518317]]) # if using OpSim median sky brightness and seeing, rather than tuned sky brightness and seeing: # expected_sigmas = np.array([[0.04086201, 0.01766672, 0.01868475, 0.03230198, 0.05806892, 0.12310554]]) # if using Table 2 seeing, sky brightness, rather than OpSim: # expected_sigmas = np.array([[0.03383325, 0.01618119, 0.01696213, 0.02418282, 0.04190728, 0.09457142]]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigmas, expected_sigmas, decimal=5)
[docs] def test_r_band_lit(self): """Test if calculate_photo_err() r band values match Table 3 values for mags 21-24, single visit and 10 year depths """ # arbitrary mags array for mes instantiation, we don't use this mes1 = MagErrorSimulator(depth=10) mes2 = MagErrorSimulator(depth='single_visit') table_3_r_sigma = {'single_visit': [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.10], 10: [0.005, 0.005, 0.006, 0.009]} r_idx = list('ugrizy').index('r') # 2 for i, mag in enumerate(range(21, 25)): sigma_r = mes1.get_sigmas(mag)[:, r_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_r, table_3_r_sigma[10][i], decimal=1) sigma_r = mes2.get_sigmas(mag)[:, r_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_r, table_3_r_sigma['single_visit'][i], decimal=1)
[docs] def test_sigma_rand_m_5(self): """Test sigma_rand = 0.2 for mag = m_5 (definition of 5-sigma depth) """ mes = MagErrorSimulator() m_5 = mes.calculate_5sigma_depths() sigma_rand = mes.calculate_rand_err(m_5)**0.5 np.testing.assert_equal(sigma_rand, 0.2)
[docs] def test_sigma_rand_infinite_brightness(self): """Test that sigma_rand = 0 for mag = -inf """ mes = MagErrorSimulator() m = -np.inf sigma_rand = mes.calculate_rand_err(m)**0.5 np.testing.assert_equal(sigma_rand, 0.0)
[docs] def test_shapes_call(self): """Test output shapes of __call__ given input x """ mes = MagErrorSimulator() # batched x in_x = 22.0 + np.random.normal(size=[15, 8]) out_mags = mes(in_x) np.testing.assert_equal(out_mags.shape, [15, 8])
[docs] def test_shapes_get_sigmas(self): """Test output shapes of get_sigmas given input mags """ # All 6 bands, scalar mag mes = MagErrorSimulator(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=list('ugrizy')) # default in_mags = 22.0 + np.random.normal() out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [1, 6]) # Partial bands, scalar mag mes = MagErrorSimulator(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=['z', 'i', 'g']) in_mags = 22.0 + np.random.normal() out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [1, 3]) # Partial bands, vector mag mes = MagErrorSimulator(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=['z', 'i', 'g']) in_mags = 22.0 + np.random.normal(size=[15, 3]) out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [15, 3])
[docs] def tearDownClass(cls): pass
[docs]class TestMagErrorSimulatorTorch(unittest.TestCase): """A suite of tests comparing MagErrorSimulator with MagErrorSimulatorTorch """ @classmethod
[docs] def setUpClass(cls): """Set global defaults for tests """ pass
[docs] def test_basic(self): """Verify correspondence with same analytic function in Collab notebook """ mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch() mag = 24 u_idx = list('ugrizy').index('u') # 0 sigma_u = mes.get_sigmas(mag)[:, u_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_u, 0.04455297880298702) # if using OpSim median sky brightness, rather than tuned sky brightness: # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_u, 0.04086201169946179) # if using Table 2 seeing, sky brightness, rather than OpSim: # np.testing.assert_equal(sigma_u, 0.033833253781615086) mags = torch.tensor([[24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24]]) sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(mags) expected_sigmas = torch.tensor([[0.04455298, 0.01766673, 0.01868476, 0.03230199, 0.09370100, 0.18518317]]) # if using OpSim median sky brightness and seeing, rather than tuned sky brightness and seeing: # expected_sigmas = np.array([[0.04086201, 0.01766672, 0.01868475, 0.03230198, 0.05806892, 0.12310554]]) # if using Table 2 seeing, sky brightness, rather than OpSim: # expected_sigmas = np.array([[0.03383325, 0.01618119, 0.01696213, 0.02418282, 0.04190728, 0.09457142]]) np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigmas, expected_sigmas, decimal=5)
[docs] def test_r_band_lit(self): """Test if calculate_photo_err() r band values match Table 3 values for mags 21-24, single visit and 10 year depths """ # arbitrary mags array for mes instantiation, we don't use this mes1 = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(depth=10) mes2 = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(depth='single_visit') table_3_r_sigma = {'single_visit': [0.01, 0.02, 0.04, 0.10], 10: [0.005, 0.005, 0.006, 0.009]} r_idx = list('ugrizy').index('r') # 2 for i, mag in enumerate(range(21, 25)): sigma_r = mes1.get_sigmas(mag)[:, r_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_r, table_3_r_sigma[10][i], decimal=1) sigma_r = mes2.get_sigmas(mag)[:, r_idx] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(sigma_r, table_3_r_sigma['single_visit'][i], decimal=1)
[docs] def test_sigma_rand_m_5(self): """Test sigma_rand = 0.2 for mag = m_5 (definition of 5-sigma depth) """ mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch() m_5 = mes.calculate_5sigma_depths() sigma_rand = mes.calculate_rand_err(m_5)**0.5 np.testing.assert_array_equal(sigma_rand, torch.ones([1, 6])*0.2)
[docs] def test_sigma_rand_infinite_brightness(self): """Test that sigma_rand = 0 for mag = -inf """ mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch() m = -np.inf sigma_rand = mes.calculate_rand_err(m)**0.5 np.testing.assert_array_equal(sigma_rand, torch.zeros([1, 6]))
[docs] def test_shapes_call(self): """Test output shapes of __call__ given input x """ mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch() # batched x in_x = 22.0 + torch.normal(mean=0, std=1, size=[15, 8]) out_mags = mes(in_x) np.testing.assert_array_equal(out_mags.shape, [15, 8])
[docs] def test_shapes_get_sigmas(self): """Test output shapes of get_sigmas given input mags """ # All 6 bands, scalar mag mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=list('ugrizy')) # default in_mags = 22.0 out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_array_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [1, 6]) # Partial bands, scalar mag mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=['z', 'i', 'g']) in_mags = 22.0 out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_array_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [1, 3]) # Partial bands, vector mag mes = MagErrorSimulatorTorch(mag_idx=None, # doesn't matter here which_bands=['z', 'i', 'g']) in_mags = 22.0 + torch.normal(mean=torch.zeros([15, 3]), std=torch.ones([15, 3])) out_sigmas = mes.get_sigmas(in_mags) np.testing.assert_array_equal(out_sigmas.shape, [15, 3])
[docs] def tearDownClass(cls): pass
if __name__ == '__main__': test_get_bands_in_x() unittest.main()